tips for tidying

As a Virgo I feel this to be my duty...

first you have to tidy to tidy ...
... To begin cleaning your home I find it easier clear the space visually, reducing the mess you have to climb over, move around or see while tidying. While you are at it make your bed (this gives you somewhere lay items out while sorting through them).

collect like things ...
... And by collect I do not mean "I see another bag in the store, I don't need it although it would be good to place with the rest of my bags" but to group together like items. Grouping them makes it easier to locate when needed and enables you to find a storage solution best suitable for the specific item e.g. rolling all tee shirts and hanging all coats.

storage solutions ...
... Finding/creating a place to put everything is important. This is up to you but Pinterest can help a lot with pretty storage solutions (but boxes are always good, organisation and they can be suited to your decor or hidden away).

digital ...
... It is a good idea to clean your digital devices once in a while both internally and externally. Start by cleaning the exterior of your device then start working on the interior. Grouping like things if on a computer or deciding on the things you do not need if on a phone/tablet. When grouping like things you could start by placing all images into an image folder, all files you do not want in another folder etc. Once this is done it makes it easier to move each of these files into sub categories. If you are a student I suggest keeping a folder for school separated into subjects/classes. From there you can create folders for assessments, homework, classwork and others (don't forget to date your files to make everything easier once they are placed in the folders).

but wait, your email ...
... You didn't think you were going to get away without going through your email did you? You know the one full of unread mail and newsletter subscriptions that you no longer want? Yeah, that (I hear your sighs), start by reading and deleting the unopened messages, then unsubscribe from the things you no longer like, moving the opened messages into categories and giving them labels in archives. This makes them a whole lot easier to find later on. Don't forget your spam folder as this might be hiding some important information!

I hope these simple tips help and get you on your way for a tidier environment.


All images and opinions are my own.
The picture is just a fill in as it was a little hard to find an image to suit.

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